Getting Started with Smart Barn (Part 1 of 3)

So you just received your Smart Barn sensors! Here are the step-by-step instructions for how to get started.

  • Setup your account. Is this your first time using Smart Barn? If so, click here and follow the instructions to create an account.
  • Create a sensor network. Once you finish setting up your account, you will be prompted to create your first sensor network. A sensor network is just a grouping of sensors. Choose a descriptive name, something meaningful, like "North Barn" or "Dairy Cooler". It's important to remember to group sensors and gateways together, or your sensors may not communicate properly.
  • Assign your gateway to the network. Enter the Gateway ID and Code in the spaces provided and click "Assign Gateway".

NOTE: Don't power on your gateway until you've finished logging in all your sensors.

  • Assign sensor(s) to the network. Enter the Sensor ID and Code in the spaces provided, and click "Assign Sensor". 

NOTE: Don't put batteries in your sensors until you've logged in all your sensors and powered on your gateway.

  • Give the sensor a name. Use something descriptive, like "Layer Barn 1 Temperature," or "Hog Barn 2 - South". It's important to keep the names consistent and easy to remember.
  • Setup sensor notifications (optional). The next screen will allow you to setup notifications for the sensor that was just added to the network. You can skip this step if you'd like, and assign notifications after you add all of your sensors.
  • Repeat this process until you've added all your sensors! Now you're ready to install your sensors.